Was Jesus in the Book of Genesis? Dr. Ben Pennington explains in his sit down interview with host Prophetess Marilyn Fisher as he gives insight into his new book, “Finding Jesus in Genesis” on this new episode of Disciple Makers on Eternal Life TV.
Dr. Bennie Pennington would like to give a special thanks to:
Dr. Richard Byron Berry, Pastor Tarrent-Arthur Henry, Pastor Benjamin Lang, Pastor Ernest Cornelius, Minister Brandon J. Howard, Minister Lizzie Williams, Minister Peggy Kelly, Elder Fred Green, Deacon Terry McLaurin Sr., John Estrada, Virgil Glover, and Audrey Simmons
How to Purchase Finding Jesus in Genesis:
How To Make a Contribution to the Foundational Biblical Teaching Ministry:
Cash App: $DrBenPennington
Mail Checks to: Foundational Biblical Teaching Ministry, P.O. Box 1712, Austell GA 30168
Dr. Pennington’s Contact Information:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drbenfbtm/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drbenfbtm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drbenfbtm
Email: drben@foundationalbtm.org
Dr. Pennington is available for in-person, Instagram, Zoom, Facebook Bible study lessons.
Finding Jesus In Genesis Q&A | Dr. Ben Pennington hosted by Prophetess Marilyn Fisher
Is Jesus in the book of Genesis?